FOTO O prietenie ce pare imposibilă: leul, tigrul şi ursul


Baloo, ursul negru american, Leo, leul african şi Shere Khan, tigrul bengalez, s-au născut, toţi trei, în 2001. Au fost descoperiţi în timpul unui raid în Atlanta (SUA), subnutriţi şi speriaţi. Cei trei pui au fost preluaţi de către Departamentul pentru Resurse Naturale din Georgia şi aduşi la adăpostul Noah’s Ark, unde, încetul cu încetul, şi-au revenit.



Rănile de care sufereau cei trei pui s-au vindecat, ei au primit îngrijirea necesară şi au crescut împreună. Au devenit prieteni, ceea ce, în viaţa în sălbăticie, nu s-ar fi întâmplat niciodată. Când Baloo a avut nevoie de o operaţie, a fost singura dată când cei trei prieteni au fost separaţi, iar leul şi tigrul au fost agitaţi pe durata operaţiei prietenului lor, crezând că l-au pierdut, scrie BuzzFeed. După operaţia încheiată cu succes, Baloo s-a întors la prietenii lui. Cei trei sunt nedespărţiţi şi în prezent.


Baloo the American Black Bear, Leo the African Lion, and Shere Khan the Bengal Tiger were all born in early 2001.



Georgia Department of Natural Resources brought the animals to Noah's Ark and they slowly regained their health.

With room to stretch, Leo's wound healed and his health improved.

Leo is a very stoic lion and enjoys napping on the porch of the clubhouse.

Although Leo seems lazy, he is know to turn into a different cat during enrichment time and is always the first to explore a new scent.

Shere Khan is the lowest in the family hierarchy and the most mischievous.

He is always trying to pounce on Baloo and Leo.

Shere Khan also seeks out affection throughout the day, rubbing heads with his brothers and strengthening their bond.

Here's Baloo getting a "cat headbutt"

Baloo was in the worst condition of the three rescued, with a harness that was never loosened as he grew in size. In the end, the harness had to be surgically removed because it was digging into his skin so deeply.

Baloo's surgery was the first time the three cubs had ever been separated.

Shere Khan and Leo became agitated during Baloo's surgery, pacing and crying for their lost brother.


The three eagerly waiting for dinner!

Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan play together.

Just hanging out!

Bear kisses!

The three do everything together!

They are bonded together forever by their early experiences despite their obvious differences.

Sursa şi foto: BuzzFeedFacebook – NoahsArkAnimalSanctuary


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